Society for the Preservation of Irish Soda Bread

History, Recipes, and more.

This site has evolved over the past 30+ years to encourage modern bakers to get in touch with their Irish roots and use the traditional ingredients/recipes when making "traditional soda bread."  Sure, make the fancy Americanized desserts for St. Patrick's Day, but save a spot at the table for Irish soda bread to remember how far the Irish have come from the days when post Famine, it it was the every day staple on the table. Today our tables are filled with good things to eat and the Famine years (An Gorta Mor) are behind us but not forgotten.


Flour, Salt, Baking Soda, Buttermilk.  

Anything else added makes it a "Tea Cake!," Railway Cake, Spotted Dog,, etc.

Click Video to see on how raisins got into traditional soda bread

Support the Site by visiting the Useful Products Section

Links to All Things Irish.  A work in process.

Links to All Things Irish.  A work in process.


"The Irish Eat Shop" for all kinds of great Irish food to go with Soda Bread.       Order Irish sausages, bacon, jams, tea and more to make every day St. Patrick's Day!   A few cents of every purchase goes to support maintaining this site without any increase in price.   Click on the IRISH EAT SHOP to get what you need to celebrate in style.

Copyright 2003: Edward J. O'Dwyer